Monday, November 9, 2009

Sisters and Talents and What I am Good At!

My sisters have so many desirable talents. I know we shouldn't compare, but sometimes I do. It's human nature.  For example: Krissy is the "Fun Auntie" and "Hostess with the Mostess".  She is always doing spur of the moment fun things and always opens her house to all. Krissy throws good parties and she always has treats-always. Krissy is the best as are the rest. Melissa is always opening her home to us travelers that need a place to  stay and is always willing to drive us around even if her schedule is full.  Melissa is always positive and calming. Alyson is a peacemaker. Gwen, Anna, Sara and Martha have sewing parties. Cathy is fun to talk with and Darci is my sounding board. Gentry is the artist in residence at my house. Mary Jane is always up for a little galavanting. Sophie is smart. All my sisters and sisters-in-laws have amazing talents. They can sew and create and paint and cook and bake and communicate and look cute and cheer everyone on. Some are musical others athletic.  They can ski and waterski and hike and laugh really hard. I love you all every single one of you and appreciate the talents you share with us all. I am glad for diversity. I think it brings us closer, because we have to rely on the talents of others to make up for what we don't have. I think they are all good mothers.
Well I am always thinking, "what I am good at?" and "what can I contribute?"
And guess what I came up with? I AM GOOD AT HOLDING BABIES. I am the Baby Auntie!

Holding Lily on the beach.

Baby Rose Vera Pugsley Oct. 2009 about 6 weeks old
Samuel David Fredley about 3 months old. 2008

Katherine Elizabeth Fredley about 4 years old. 2008

One more of baby Rose. And I even got to witness her amazing birth.

that reminds me some  of my sisters are good at having babies. I am much better off once they have been removed for my womb via csection. I am good at calming, feeding, changing and playing with those special little ones. I still got the touch!
So here is to Aunties and Talents and Babies.
I love those babies so keep them coming sisters.


Katie said...

what a yummy thing to be good at Kelly! And I agree with you, soothing new souls is a gift and talent. See ya soon neighbor!

jaytee'sbtw said...

Kel, one day-not currently-you will be able to hold my babies as long as you want!! I love are easy to love, you are the best!!

nano*ink said...

You are also good at knowing what is good and have a vision of what you want.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome thing to be good at at! And how blessed are all of you to be surrounded by each other! Such a lovely post about women, sisters and love!