Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Being the Scoutmaster's Wife

Dave the SCOUTmaster

Scout Law:
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Thought from a Scoutmaster's wife and mother of  2 scouts:
Please be all of these things (mentioned above in scout law), hurry up and finish all your requirements to become and Eagle scout, and we will all be done and I will be proud of you.

P.S. Steve Carr wins for scouter of the last half century. He totally rocks!


Anonymous said...

What a handsome group of guys you have! =)

Laura McKinney said...

Hahaha! I remember helping my brother finish is eagle scout- it took FOREVER!

nano*ink said...

What adorable boys - I think I overuse that word...I love those guys! Most mothers do a lot of scouting work too.

Katie said...

You are the most widow like woman in the ward next to the bishop. Scout master's wife is the hardest job in the church, because you send your husband away so he can PLAY with the boys constantly. I love youfor your service to all the boys in our ward, and I know you are making great sacrifices so this can all happen!