Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tennis Anyone?

Last night, two of my children, were throwing up for a few hours.  At least my kids are old enough and big enough to make it to the bathroom.  Lily made it to the bathroom about 8 times, before she became weak in the knees and fell to the bathroom floor from lack of strength. I then gave her the "throw up" bowl so that she didn't have to stand up anymore.  Poor thing-her little body is already under weight.
Erica was cold and couldn't get warm, her finger hurt as well.  She slept on the couch upstairs and coughed all night.

This morning we let the sickos slumber and after MUCH coaxing got Erica to agree to get up.  While I was still unsure if Erica would actually make it to school, I said to my man, "You wish you were me today huh?"  He said, "no, you wish you were me, going to work, in this lovely blustery weather." We looked at each other and sighed.

Then I said, "actually today I wish I were Jeanette."  Jeanette will be going out to lunch with friends to celebrate Shelley's birthday sans moi.  And while she is out celebrating, there will be workers at her house installing her new kitchen floors.  I am happy for Jeanette.

The bright side of today?  Did anybody notice that it's TENNIS season?  The Australian Open started this week.

1 comment:

nano*ink said...

What a happy day for you. I hope everyone is doing a bit better now.
Our snow is really pretty. Dad's gone to a funeral.