First stop. Jr. High carpool drop off.
Second stop of the day here. The DMV, had to renew my driver's license
I went early and must have looked tired cause the guy taking my picture said I could smile if I wanted to.
Then back to pick carpool.
Such a treat to spend a little, but not enough, time with Katherine. Thanks friend.

Took Lily here to her first Activity Days event. She was so cute an excited to be so grown up and with the big girls.

Took Lauren and Erica Jane here to buy stuff to make TFB's while they tended for me tonight.
Got to all dressed up and meet up with a hot date for dinner here.
The Grand America Hotel. Our dear friends had a wedding dinner for their son and we were honored to be on the guest list. It was so beautiful, tasteful yet elegant. It was fun to eat such good food and be with a few of our closest friends. The ribbons on the flower arrangements were the exact color I want to paint my kitchen. Thanks Huxtables for a lovely evening. Good luck Abe and Courtney. We'll see you tonight at the reception.
After walked next door to this building with my hot date. He works on the 12th floor.
Picked up our car and drove home.
Glad you liked the squash ravioli. I didn't have a good experience with it last year, then again, I was pregnant.
Big days like that can be really fun. Glad it was a good one. I like that you have a hot too!
What is Big Wave Gravy?
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